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 Ethical Issues in Biotechnology

The manipulation of living organisms by the human race needs some
regulation on both ethical and moral grounds as genetic modification
of organisms can have unpredictable results when such organisms are
introduced into the ecosystem.

(i) Biopatent A patent is the right granted by the government, to
an inventor to prevent others to make commercial use of one’s
invention. The patents granted for biological entities and
products derived from them are called as biopatents.

(ii) Biopiracy is the term used to refer the use of bioresources by
companies and other organisations without proper
authorisation from the countries and people concerned without
compensatory payment.

(iii) Biowar The war, which is fought with the help of biological
weapons against humans, their crops and animals is called a
biowar. In biowar, viruses, bacteria and some other harmful
organisms are used and are called as bioweapons in biowar.

(iv) Bioethics It is a branch of ethics, philosophy and social
commentary that deals with the biological sciences and their
potential impact on society.
Biotechnology provides several products of high utility values.
Major part of applied biotechnology still remains unexplored
which surely will provide the solution to various problems
related to humans and their environment.