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An enzyme is a specific protein produced within the organism that is

capable of catalysing specific chemical reactions. As they are of

biological origin and catalyse various reactions, they are also called


The term ‘Enzyme’ was coined by Kuhne (1878) for catalytically active

substances previously called ferments. Protein nature of the enzyme

was first found out by Sumner (1926). Like catalysts, the enzymes do

not start a chemical reaction or change its equilibrium, but enhance

the rate of reaction.

Chemical Nature of Enzymes

All enzymes are globular proteins with the exception of recently

discovered RNA enzymes. Some enzymes may additionally contain a

non-protein group.

There are two types of enzymes on the basis of composition

1. Simple enzyme The enzyme which completely made up of

protein, e.g., pepsin, trypsin, urease, etc.

2. Conjugate enzyme It is the enzyme formed by two parts

Classification of Enzymes

On the basis of reaction they performed, enzymes are classified into

six categories

(i) Oxidoreductases Oxidase, reductase and dehydrogenases

are included in this class of enzymes.

(ii) Transferases These enzymes perform group transfer reaction.

(iii) Hydrolases These enzymes induce hydrolysis, e.g., amylase,

lactase, etc.

(iv) Lyases They induce the cleavage without hydrolysis and

addition of double bond takes place, e.g., aldolase.

(v) Isomerases Rearrangement of molecular structure,

e.g., isomerase, epimerase, mutase, etc.

(vi) Ligases/Synthetases These enzymes induced the bonding of

two molecules after taking energy from ATP.

Nomenclature of Enzymes

Enzymes are named by adding the suffix-ase after the substrate

(e.g., lipase, amylase, maltase, etc.) or chemical reaction (e.g., succinate

dehydrogenase). Some old names also persist as pepsin, trypsin, etc.

Mechanism of Enzyme Action

The general mechanism of enzyme action has two steps

1. Formation of Enzyme-Substrate Complex

When an enzyme acts upon a substrate, it forms an enzyme-substrate

complex. Subsquently, this complex decomposes the substrate,

undergoes chemical change and the enzyme is regenerated afterwards.

E + S ES →

ES E P → +

Following two models have been put forth to explain the formation of

ES complex

(i) Lock and key model Proposed by Emil Fisher in 1894. He

states that both the components (i.e., enzyme and substrate)

have strictly complementary structure.

(ii) Induced fit model Proposed by D Koshland in 1958.

According to this, when enzyme binds to substrate, the change

in the shape of active sites of enzyme takes place.

2. Lowering of Activation Energy

All chemical reactions have a potential energy barrier that must be

overcome before the reactants can be converted into products.

The energy required to break this barrier is equivalent to activation


The enzyme lowers the energy of activation during its complexing with

substrate. After the combination of enzyme and substrate, the energy

level of substrate gets raised, and it reacts faster.

Turnover Number

Being large sized protein molecule, enzyme exists as colloid. Substrate

molecule changed per minute into product is called turn over

number, e.g., 36 millions for carbonic anhydrase, 5 millions for

catalase, etc.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

The activity of an enzyme can be affected by a change in the conditions

which can alter the tertiary structure of the protein.

1. Substrate concentration Enzyme activity increases with

increase in concentration of the substrate to a maximum and

then it levels off.

2. Enzyme concentration In general, the rate of reaction will

increase with increasing enzyme concentration, due to

availability of more active sites for reaction.

3. Temperature and pH In most of the enzymatic reactions, rise

of 10°C in the temperature doubles the rate of reaction

between 5-40°C. Enzymes are denatured (secondary and above

level of structures degraded) at higher temperature due to

proteinaceous nature and rate of reaction drops.

4. Redox potential Enzymes are sensitive to redox potential of

the cell also. Many enzymes are affected by redox potential due

to the presence of oxidisable SH-group.

Enzyme Inhibition

Reduction or stoppage of enzyme activity due to certain adverse

conditions or chemicals is called enzyme inhibition.